Ramial chipped wood mulch (RCW)

Sold by cubic yard

Ramial chipped wood mulch (RCW)

Mulch having the same advantages as the decorative one plus it produces stable and durable humus, it favors and increases the biodiversity of the soil, it increases the resistance of the cultures to the attacks of insects and the diseases. It contributes to the proliferation of earthworms that promote aeration and natural drainage of the soil surface and depth, structuring and fertilizing the soil while being compatible with the rules of organic farming without acidifying effect on the soil and free of organic compounds potentially toxic to plants, duration of action of 3 to 5 years.


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Ramial chipped wood mulch (RCW)

Ramial chipped wood mulch (RCW)

Required quantity for the project

- Cubic yards
- Cubic yards with 0 % of compaction